Everything you need to know about South Bank Runners

When and Where does SBR Train?

South Bank Runners run every Tuesday and Thursday at 6pm sharp.

We meet at the entrance of Kurilpa Bridge on the South Bank side. Take a look at our Training Session page for more details.

How much does it cost..?

South Bank Runners pay an annual fee of $60. The benefits of membership include:

  • Access to all SBR training sessions

  • Individual advice and guidance from any of the run leaders or qualified coaches

  • Discounts from a number of suppliers, such as nutrition, physical therapy, apparel etc.

  • The ability to run with an inclusive and encouraging group of runners.

Can you try before you buy?

You don’t have to be a member to start with SBR. The expectation is that if you still like coming along after your a few sessions you will take up the membership offer.

If you are in doubt, please discuss membership with one of our coaches, run leaders or committee members to see if SBR is right for you.

Are the Tuesday/Thursday sessions suitable for beginners?

Provided you have a basic level of fitness and can cope with running non-stop for 20 minutes, then you will be able to cope with any session the group undertake. We do recommend that before embarking on the Tuesday/Thursday sessions that you develop a base of steady running for approximately 4-6 weeks.

A great starting fot for beginners is the ‘Couch to 5km’ (C25K) Program - you can read all about it at http://www.c25k.com

Are quicker runners catered for?

Yes – SBR has a diverse membership that includes some very accomplished runners.

Our basic program follows the broad conditioning and training cycles of experienced athletes, with sessions designed to have group members at all ability levels peaking for their most important events.

Where can I park? How else can I get there?

Being so close to the city, there are plenty of options to get to the sessions.

If you are driving to the sessions, there are plenty of car parks on Riverside Drive near the Go Between Bridge. You can also try your luck finding an on street parking spot on Montague Road near the Gallery of Modern Art however these are often taken.

The closest bus station is the Cultural Centre station and approx. 500m away from the meeting spot.

The closest train station is the South Brisbane station and approx. 800m away from the meeting spot. Roma Street station is also very close accross the river.

City Cat
The closest CityCat station is South Bank approx.1km from the meeting spot.

E-mobility hire
Beam and Neuron offer ebike and escooter hire and allow parking near the meeting spot.

Where can I store my gear?

On Tuesday/Thursday nights your gear can be kept in one of the group members’ cars close to the meeting spot.

Is there a team kit?

Our apparel is available to purchase through our apparel supplier Scody via our private store:


Please note orders are not always available. Notifications are provided regularly to advise when orders are open.

When and where do we compete?

Group members can be found at almost any fun run across Brisbane. Each year the group enter teams in the Brisbane Marathon festival; QUT Classic; Gold Coast Marathon festival; Mother’s day classic; Bridge to Brisbane; Cairns Ironman; Badwater Ultra ;-)

We are also regulars at the South Bank parkrun every Saturday morning.

Is there a social side to the group?

You betcha. The group have a number of regular social activities including the monthly ‘burger and beer’, parkrun coffee’s, Sunday long run breakfast and the infamous “safety meetings

Still have questions?

Ask on our Facebook group and one of our friendly members will help you!